I'm somewhere in-between an 8 year old and 50 year old. somewhere in-between way too much technology and not enough. somewhere in-between all of that is the "The What-what".
I had been speaking with my sister La, and I was explaining to her my blog dilemma. I have to be able to write on the go- - for fear that it won't get done at all. After hours of searching I found the savior of my thoughts that will continue my free expression. Sidebar- I love this damn phone even more now my iPhone 3GS(never stops amazing me). I'm avid supporter of technological advances although I must say I tend to complain that we have to much technology sometime of fear that we may in time push the margin to far the the left. Although, in rare moments it serves a just purpose.
Maybe it's about that time... right? Yo, I "constructed" my blog page well over a year ago maybe longer I remember the exact day too! It was like 7:30 on a Thursday night. I was on main(ASU campus) at a student/faculty jazz concert which happened to be a tribute to the incredible legacy John Coltrane(A Love Supreme-Classic). However, I never actually made any post though I've had more than enough compelling instances from my "own" life more times than not my "own" doing to share with the masses... but to no avail. Thing is as people we have this uncanny ability to get in our own head or in our own way. annnd me being no different, I told myself "Son, seriously? you hate written" yet I'm a writer(simple complexities). It didn't add up and made no sense I could jus flat-out say i was being lethargic about it. Although, i like to think it was a little more involved than that.. I honestly had soo much going on that I in no way could translate. Truthfully, I still feel this way but when passion is ignored it dissipates. SO, consider this my RE-Introduction- Who Am I? I'm Jeary Slyves(once Jai-Real, but kinda always be Jai-Real-thats another story)I'm a "rebel activist of sound" & this is a joint off my Midnite Marauder Experiment mixtape Called "late Night Thoughts... Directed by JaiHall(although, she's not happy with how it came out LOl, i still had to drop it!) and it was edited by Sam "Sneaky Pete" Nicholes SO- Welcome-- welcome back for the first time!?